Friday, March 20, 2009

Ding 77

With no particular fanfare Des dinged 77. With the gold saved up, there was an immediate hearth back to Dalaran to pay for the cold weather flying. I did however forget to go to the trainer and spend the talent point for a couple of days. Sigh. With the ability to fly in Northrend it's now so much easier to mine, and so much easier (read less expensive) to level Jewel Crafting. Got the Jewel Crafting up to 426. Yippy!

The guild is a nice social guild that has just enough level 80 characters to try to run heroic instances, but scheduling seems to be a problem with only 3 on at the same time. The 80's are running PUG's so they are improving their gear.

Went back and finished Ramps and the next day soloed through Blood Furnace with only one death. I need to do a better job of watching my pet's health. When you (err I mean me) finally notice that your pet has 1k health left, it's too late. I have good add-on's but they are useless if you don't pay attention to them. Sigh.

So, I was wondering how Des would hold up in the Wintergrasp battleground. A 77 out with the 80's. We where on offense but we had tenacity. Whoa talk about a blur. I can't find the pet in the mass of bodies and vehicles, and hunters can't melee worth a hill of beans. Des (that is to say me playing her) has a long way to go in battlegrounds. Right now the Horde side seems to be holding an advantage in battlegrounds. Sigh.

Only three more levels to 80...

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