Sunday, March 8, 2009

On the edge

The hunter is almost 77. That means 1,000g and cold weather flying! The open skies beckon, no longer having to ride or find a flight master, real freedom. Ok, maybe real freedom is going a little too far, but still it means that you get choices when you travel. Choices are good. With level 77 comes Wintergrasp and all the fun that that entails. Poor Des has never set foot in a battleground before. I sometime think that I'm too old for key mashing, but there is a part of my ego that says: "I can do this". Yeah, well, time will tell.

The new guild seems fine and I'm doing what I usually do. Takin' it slow and figuring out what folks are up to. Tryin' to see where I fit in. No real drama going on, so it's good for now.

Yesterday I started to see if she and JoJo (the gorilla) could solo Ramps? Got the first boss down without to much bother, but then was out of time and had to log. Gonna go back and see if I can finish Weaken the Ramparts. She has had that quest for a LONG time. Kept it around to test her ability to solo instances. Tried once before and couldn't get to the first boss. I think she was level 71 at that time. Some extra levels and slightly improved gear has helped. If JoJo can tank this will open up the older content reputation issues that Warth of the Lich King has created. But that topic is a whole post on its own.

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