Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ding - 88

Started the Frenzyheart quest line over the weekend and dinged while doing those. I have been trying to figure out how do deal with the potential dilemma of what pet to bring to Sholazar Basin. Do I bring Plutonia, the cat (and first/favorite pet) which I'm trying to keep leveled up, or the moth (level 74) that I would be willing to loose if I got insanely lucky and found Loque'nahak. There is no doubt in my mind that if I found Loq she would not be there if I had to fly to Valiance Keep and back. So, would I be able to give up "P" or just kill her for the achievement? That's a choice I don't want to have to make. Killing her wouldn't be an option. Do I give a shout out for any other hunter that might be looking for her? I suppose I would the long shot that I could get there and back in time (fat chance of that). Take the moth you say? You haven't even taken the time to name it, you say! Well, duh. But it's only level 74 and that is too low for the basin. I got by over the weekend, and might not have any trouble with the moth, but I don't like have to always remember to switch pets if I going to the basin. Yeah, yeah, quit your whining I hear you sayin'. Enough said.

Some of the guild ran Blackrock Spire Sunday afternoon/evening. I went along because I wanted to be part for the guild. I couldn't make the Saturday ZA run, so this was the best I could do. Got the achievement and a couple of pets. Oh yeah, the best part, had fun doing it. *grin*

Second trip into WG was better than the first. We were on defense again, and lost again. Des found an unused cannon and was lobbing shells into the distance when she got attacked from behind by a DK. Now I want to know how a DK got inside the walls to begin with! Turned the gun around and started blasting it (Undead, do they have he's and she's?). Almost got it killed and it ran down the stairs and out of sight. The cannon is almost done, it's got like 10% health left. I figure the DK is going to do a full heal then come back at her. Wrong. Just a few seconds later up the stairs it comes and tries to get "behind" the cannon. Say what? Got off a blast and it dropped to ground outside the keep. By this time horde help had arrived and finished off the cannon. Des has grown fangs and wants the DK to pay. So down she jumps, calls the pet, and the fight is on. Des and cat against the nearly dead DK (is that an oxymoron?) and a warlock. DK is pulling out all the tricks to stay alive while the 'lock is dotting her up. Hit the 'lock with a viper shot, then a concussive shot and got back after the DK. She is banging away with serpent and arcane shots and moving out of melee range of the DK. At last it's health has dropped to 10% and the brain finally engages and she gets off a kill shot, but the DK is showing 0% health when all the 'lock's dots finish her off. Des is lookin' at her corpse thinking "I don't believe the piece of #$%^ is goin' to live", when the last of the serpent sting ticks off and it dies too! Oh the little victories are the sweetest. Two trips to WG, both on defense and both losses. Hmmmm, does anyone else see a trend here?

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