Friday, February 20, 2009

6th Screen Shot

Yikes! I got tagged by Lienna. Its a good thing that I had been trying to catch a good screen shot to use in the top banner of this blog. The bad news is that all of the screen shots are pretty boring. You know it is just so hard to find the perfect lighting, and when you do find it you are probably in the middle of some nasty fight. No paparazzi following me around. That's me and my faithful companion Plutonia; my first and still favorite! So time to tag Maebius and Daniamlx23. Dig deep in that folder and smile for the camera!

1 comment:

  1. I think its great to pop around and see what people have dug up for this meme! I used to love the leapord skin until I found my beloved Araga. A stealth graphic fix on her later, I can't betray that loyalty. Many years and many pets later, I have her once again :)
